
Adios Adipose: Body Sculpting Solutions for a Tighter Body


Gone are the days when your only option for permanent fat reduction was liposuction. If you want to firm and tighten specific areas of your body, nonsurgical treatments can work remarkably well and are considerably less expensive.

Over the past two decades, cosmetic surgical procedures have declined significantly while nonsurgical cosmetic procedures continue to grow. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reports a 30 percent decline in liposuction since 2000. The reason? Minimally invasive treatments that tighten and tone.

When looking for body sculpting treatments in Valrico, there are many options from which you can choose. Recommended treatments vary by individual based upon the areas of concern. At Amani MedSpa, we are pleased to offer several body sculpting options. Many clients choose to combine treatments to produce the most profound results.

Body Sculpting Procedures in Valrico, FL

Vanquish ME

Designed for individuals who are close to their ideal body weight but need a little help getting rid of stubborn fat, Vanquish is a breakthrough non-invasive treatment for fat removal. Using the industry’s largest spot size that covers the abdomen from flank to flank, Vanquish improves circumferential reduction with no pain and no downtime.


Say goodbye to cellulite with Cellutone. Did you know that 90% of women have cellulite? Using the power of mechanical vibrations, Cellutone enhances microcirculation, lymphatic flow, metabolism, and oxygen supply in the targeted areas. The result is an improvement to the skin’s appearance and texture. This treatment is ideal for the buttocks, flanks, thighs, upper arms, and abdomen.

Exilis Ultra

An excellent option for a variety of conditions including fat reduction and skin tightening, Exilis Ultra is the only treatment currently available that utilizes both ultrasound and radiofrequency technology simultaneously. The result is targeted control over the treatment of problem areas with no discomfort or downtime.

Skin Tightening Under the Chin (Submental Fullness)

Submental fullness under the chin (also known as a double chin) can be downright frustrating. You don’t have to be overweight to have fullness under your chin. It’s also a normal sign of aging, albeit a frustrating one.

Kybella® is the only FDA approved injectable treatment for moderate to severe submental fullness. The naturally occurring molecule, deoxycholic acid aids the body in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When Kybella is injected into the fat under the chin, it destroys fat cells for good.  

If you’re ready to experience the difference that our aesthetic team can make in your appearance, please request a consultationtoday.

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