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Selfies Never Looked So Good After Kybella


When selfies became popular in 2013, many people came to the realization they had submental fullness. In layman’s terms, they realized they had a double chin. Selfie sticks only somewhat helped disguise the problem. So the search began for a nonsurgical alternative to liposuction of the neck.

In 2015, Allergan, the same creators of Botox and Juvederm, received FDA-approval of Kybella, the first and only injectable treatment that destroys fat cells under the chin. The power behind Kybella is deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat.

Who Develops a Double Chin?

Age, weight, and heredity all play a role in the development of submental fullness. Some people have always had a double chin. Others develop it over time. Thin people and overweight people can develop a double chin. And it becomes more likely to occur with age as the skin loses its elasticity.

What are the Treatment Options Available for a Double Chin?

There are no exercises you can do to minimize a double chin. Historically, people have had to undergo a neck lipo or even a neck lift, to regain the profile of their youth.

How Does Kybella Work?

During treatment, a series of small injections are administered under the chin. The amount of injections needed varies with the individual. Treatment takes approximately twenty minutes to complete. The number of additional treatments needed varies from one person to another. Most patients received between two to six treatments. Additional treatments are typically administered six to eight weeks apart.

How is Kybella Recovery?

Following treatment, swelling, bruising and numbness in the neck are common. Since Kybella destroys fat cells, once gone, they are gone for good. However, weight gain of greater than 10 pounds can result in any remaining fat cells expanding in size.

Is Kybella Right for Me?

Kybella is an excellent option for both men and women who are bothered by the fat under their chin but do not want to undergo surgery for treatment. The best candidates are those who despite diet and exercise, are unable to shed the fat under their chin.

If fullness under your chin is a concern or makes you uncomfortable, schedule a consultation with Dr. Brar and find out if Kybella may be right for you.

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